Invited talks

Graf, S.  Psychologie hate speech: oběti, pachatelé, příhlížející a intervence [The psychology of hate speech: Victims, perpetrators, bystanders, and interventions]. 15 November 2022, invited contribution as part of the conference “Hate Speech and Czech Society: Actual Risks and Possibilities of Prevention" in the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

Graf, S.  Snižování předsudků jako cesta k fungující společnosti [Reducing prejudice as means to functioning societies]. 3 October 2022, Celebratory Lecture by the Czech Academy of Sciences, broadcasted by the Czech TV.

Rupar, M. Mass-media and reconciliation in the aftermath of war, April, 2022. University of Valparaiso, Chile, 

Graf, S. Social psychology in times of war: Insights from studies on refugee acceptance and reconciliation in post-conflict societies. 17 September 2022, Polish Association of Social Psychology Conference, Gdańsk, Poland.

Graf, S. The role of mass communication in shaping attitudes toward social minorities. 28 July 2021, 25th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, virtual.

Graf, S. Between Cultures: Intergroup Exchanges Researched and Lived. Invited talk for the effect of news about the refugee crisis on attitudes toward migrants and immigration policies. Expert meeting “How mass media shape the perception of others: The refugee crisis and post-conflict societies”, 10 April 2019, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ.

Rupar, M Can mass-media can promote peace? April, 2022. Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Graf, S. The effect of news about the refugee crisis on attitudes toward migrants and immigration policies. Expert meeting “How mass media shape the perception of others: The refugee crisis and post-conflict societies”, 10 April 2019, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ.

Graf, S. How mass media shape our attitudes toward immigrants? Language, content of news, and perspective of speakers. 5 December 2019, Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Graf, S. The role of language in journalists’ work. 20 November 2018, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague as part of the H2020 project 809498 "People between the lines: Building skills for quality migration coverage".

Rupar, M. Help and Morality – Tools for Reconciliation? March 2018. The University of Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain

Zingora, T. Secondary transfer effect of intergroup contact. 18 November 2019, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Graf, S. Media shape majority’s attitudes toward immigrants: Effects of linguistic labels for ethnicity, report valence and intergroup contact. 2 February 2018, Social Psychology Lab, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Graf, S. Angst vor dem Fremden: Wie die Medien Einstellungen gegenüber Fremden beeinflussen [Fear of the foreign: How mass media influence attitudes toward foreigners]. 9 December 2017, Psychology Update Refresher, Forum für medizinische Fortbildung, Zurich, Switzerland.

Graf, S. Immigrants in the mass media: Effects of linguistic labels for ethnicity, report valence and intergroup contact through mass media. 30 November 2017, Institute of Communication and Media Studies; Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland.

Rupar, M. Process of Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. May 2016. Ostfold University College, Fredrikstadt, Norway

Rupar, M. Ending Hate – Back to Harmony: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. June 2016. The University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway 

Graf, S. Valence asymmetries in the effect of intergroup contact on outgroup attitudes, 15 April 2015, Institute of Psychology, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany.

Graf, S. Challenging prejudice: The effect of language, media exposure and intergroup contact on outgroup attitudes, 6 November 2014, Center for Research on Prejudice, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Graf, S. Negative intergroup contact is more influential, but positive intergroup contact is more common: An ecological assessment of contact prominence and contact prevalence in five European countries, 29 May 2014, Department of Psychology, Işık University, Turkey.

Graf, S. Prevalent positive and prominent negative contact with outgroup members maintain outgroup attitudes, 20 March 2013, School of Psychology, University of Newcastle, Australia.