What is new in our lab?

Check the latest news about our projects, collaborations, publications, presentations, and media outreach.

New publication by Mirjana Rupar and collagues showes that constructive patriotism is linked to voting intentions across various elections in Poland, Spain, and Croatia. Check out the details here

At the IMPS 2024 Annual Meeting, David Lacko presented his research on utilizing Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling (DSEM) to analyze Intensive Longitudinal Data (ILD) related to digital media use. His presentation highlighted how DSEM can reveal short-term, person-specific media effects by distinguishing between within- and between-person variations. The study, which involved data from 197 Czech adolescents, underscored both the practical challenges and the potential of this approach for media effect research. 

In her recent podcast appearance, Sylvie Graf explored crucial questions about prejudice: How accurately can it be measured? What exactly is a "feeling thermometer"?  Is it possible for people to be entirely free of prejudice?  Most importantly, she discussed ways we can improve our approach to handling prejudice. Check out the podcast here [in CZ].

From June 12-14, our colleagues Serena and Roman had the opportunity to meet with Sylvie, our Head of Lab, in Bern, Switzerland, for the final conference of G-Versity: "Gender Diversity Across Europe – Devising Solutions from Interdisciplinary & Intersectoral Perspectives". Serena delivered presentation on "Men in Childcare Work: Potential Solutions to Reduce Gender Discrimination in a Women-Dominated Organizational Context". Roman presented as part of the "Ethnic Diversity" symposium, discussing "The Perspectives of Stigmatized Minorities on Majority and Another Minority: The Role of Negative Normative Influence in Intergroup Relations". 

Our lab was excited to participate in the Science Fair in Prague organized by Czech Academy of Sciences (30.5.-1.6.2024)! Visitors enjoyed engaging questions and interactive exhibits that showcased our latest research and innovations. Check our booklet here (in CZ). 

Simona Oľhová has discussed how Harry Potter stories can help reduce prejudice in the popularization magazine of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, A/magazine. Check the details of her research here

New publication by David Lacko and Martina Hřebíčková delves into how the #BigFive personality traits and self-efficacy impact perceived stress and life satisfaction among university students and teachers. This study sheds light on the interplay between personality, self-belief, and well-being in academic environments. Check it out here

Over the weekend, at the 22nd Psychotherapeutic Weekend in Beskids, hosted by Asociace klinických psychologů ČR, attendees were treated to a thought-provoking presentation by colleague Roman Koky. Delving into societal complexities, Koky illuminated the profound effects of discrimination on mental health. His compelling analysis underscores the pressing need for awareness and support in combating this issue. 

Simona Oľhová's has adressed te topic of student-teacher violence featured in the popularization magazine of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, known as A/magazine. Simona discusses recent research from the School Psychology journal, which is the first to examine intervention approaches for tackling school violence against teachers in U.S. schools. 

Celebrating 10 Years: A Decade of Dedication to Intergroup Research!

For the past decade, our dedicated team has been passionately delving into the intricate dynamics of intergroup relations . As we celebrate this milestone, we reflect on the journey that brought us here - a journey marked by countless hours of research, collaboration, and shared passion for advancing knowledge. We couldn't have reached this momentous occasion without the support of our incredible team, collaborators, and supporters. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey. Here's to the next ten years and beyond! 

Our lab, along with the Interdisciplinary Research Team on Internet and Society from the Faculty of Social Studies in Brno (IRTIS) and the Department of Statistical Modelling (Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences), has gathered to discuss ideas regarding the new collaborative project: "Research of Excellence on Digital Technologies and Wellbeing," funded by The Johannes Amos Comenius Programme. The project examines how digital technologies can transform one's physical, psychological, and social wellbeing. Check details of the project here.

Sylvie Graf discusses how prejudice doesn't just affect those it's aimed at, but also impacts those holding onto such biases. Check it out here (in Czech).

Sylvie Graf has taken part in the Neuron Talk on Geopolitic. Check the conversation on global security, democracy, and the future, uniting top experts from various fields and professions. Check it out here (in Czech).

New publication by Mirjana Rupar, Shpend Voca, and Sylvie Graf! It shows that social norms, encompassing both descriptive and injunctive norms, play a significant role in shaping outcomes related to reconciliation and behavioral intentions towards former adversaries in post-conflict societies, with distinct patterns observed among different groups, such as Albanians and Serbs in the context of the Kosovo conflict. Check it out here

Sylvie Graf discusses language, prejudice, and our lab's research in Psychologie dnes. Read more here (in Czech).

New publication by Roman Koky and Sylvie Graf - "How to reduce Anti-Roma prejudice? Social psychological perspective" Check it out here (in Czech)!

Simona Oľhová will collaborate on a Visegrad-funded project titled 'Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Refugees in CEE Region's Secondary Cities: Promoting Inclusion and Social Cohesion through Inclusive Public Spaces.' This collaborative effort involves colleagues from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine. 

Sylvie Graf has been awarded a professorship in recognition of her exceptional contributions and unwavering commitment to the field of science. 

Brno Lab will be part of the DigiWELL project, funded by the Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský (OP JAK) in the Czech Republic. Joining a consortium of eight esteemed institutions across diverse disciplines, the lab is actively contributing to the "Experimental Research on Technology and Wellbeing", led by Dr. Martina Hřebíčková.  Read more here

David Lacko has received a grant from the Czech Science Foundation. He will explore incorporating reaction time measurement and modelling into self-report measures of prejudice to decrease potential biases in responding. 

New publication by Sylvie Graf and colleagues. It suggests that highly emotional words like 'passionate,' 'happy,' and 'wholeheartedly' may be the key to crafting compelling diversity statements that boost a company's appeal to potential employees. Read more here

New publication by David Lacko and colleagues exploring cross-cultural variations in visual attention. Read more here

New publication by Mirjana Rupar and colleagues. It suggests that in regions with a history of language conflicts, inclusive linguistic victimhood narratives shape attitudes towards immigrant languages and multilingual policies. Read more here.  

David Lacko has been awarded by the Vice-Rector of Masaryk University for his excellent results in doctoral studies. Read more here (in CZ)

Sylvie Graf has been honoured with the prestigious Czech 'Neuron' award for her outstanding contributions to intergroup relations within the social sciences field. Read more here.

The new blog post by Serena Haines about why men are extremely underrepresented in early childhood education and childcare work, as well as why both the public and academic researchers remain uninterested in this underrepresentation.  Read more here.

The team of the Brno Lab of Intergroup Processes has been awarded a three-year funding for the project 23-06170S "The Role of Distinct Types of Social Norms in Improving Conflictual Intergroup Relations" from the Czech Science foundation with Sylvie Graf as principal investigator. 

In the Celebratory Lecture series by the Czech Academy of Sciences, Sylvie Graf talked about the importance of social science in decreasing prejudice. More info (in Czech) can be found here, for a full talk visit

How hate speech threatens Czech society? Sylvie Graf contributed to the discussion about this important topic from the perspective of social psychology in the Czech Parliament. More info (in Czech) can be found here